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This page is dedicated to Paraguay and contains all insurance and reinsurance related resources including but not limited to list of insurance companies, reinsurance companies, brokers, Surveyors, Loss Adjusters, Risk Managers, Third Party Administrators (TPAs), Local & International Insurance Institutes, Insurance College and Insurance & Reinsurance Regulators. Please remember that this is a collaborative website and if you have any additional information or if you want to add an insurance company which is not listed on this page - you may do so by clicking on 'Add a Company' link on the top of this page. The website shall be updated instantly.
Full country name: Republic of Paraguay
Area: 406,752 sq km; 14 people per sq km; 157,042 sq miles
Population: 6.34 million
Capital City: Asunción
People: 95 percent of Paraguayans are Mestizos (people of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry). Minority groups include individuals of pure Spanish ancestry, unassimilated Guaraní people of the eastern forest region, and many small colonies of immigrants from Canada, Japan, Korea, Italy, Germany, Russia and others.
Life expectancy at birth m/f (years): 72 and 77
Infant mortality m/f (per 1000): 23 (World Health Organization (2009)
Language(s): Spanish and Guaraní are the official languages.
Religion(s): 90% of Paraguayans are Roman Catholics. The remaining 10% are mainly Protestant (of which the Mennonite group is the largest), Mormons, Jewish, and Russian Orthodox.
Currency: Guarani (G) 1GBP = 6,811 PYG or 10,000 PYG = 1.47 GBP (Nov. 2011).